How'd we pik the winners? Winners were selekted by judges hoo don't know any of the cats. The skores were tabulated by a formula that took into accownt: 1) the judges' skore, 2) the number of unique comments on each post (did not count comments made by the entrant or multiple comments by the same cat), and 3) the number of reactions (votes for romantic, funny, etc.)
The winner with the highest skore was Daisy the Curly Cat. But because she's my speshul frend, I can't reely give the grand prize to her and me. OTOH, it's not fare to disqwalify her evry yeer just becuz of owr "reelayshunship." So I am awarding her MY UNDERPANTS (aka my titey whities), because I think it is in keeping with her entry. Daisy, yoo git the prize for the "Naughtiest Valentine":
The Grand Prize winner is akshully 3 winners. The second highest skore was Harley's Valentine to Rosie and Siena. The 4th highest skore was Rosie's Valentine to Harley. So, we are awarding the Grand Prize to Harley, Rosie and Sienna. Harley will get the tie, and Rosie and Siena will get flirty collars:
The tie for second highest skoring entry was rated by owr judges as the "Funniest" Valentine. Max's valentine to hisself krakt us up, so he gits the "My Funny Valentine" award. He will git a speshul prize shipt to him by my frend RayPod.
*****ARE YOO SINGUL???*****
We suksessfully matched up Willie and Pookie (and boy, are they a kyoot cuppul!), but thare are still sum singul mancats lookin' fur love!
- Kaleb wood like to hook up with Kirara. Kirara, whut's yer anser????
- Rossetti
- Ozark Mountain Cats Willie and Heesh (VARY hansum!!!)
C'mon! Thare must be sum singul gerlcats owt thare hoo wood like to hook up with these hansum guys!!!!
A big thank yoo to evrywun hoo pawtisipated this yeer!!!! See yoo next yeer!!
WINNERS: Pleeze send me yer addresses so I can male yer prizes to yoo. Emale me heer: skeezy *AT* skeezixthecat *DOT* com.