Friday, February 13, 2009

DMM Loves Rocky "Rockaroonie" the Gutter Cat

While I know that I can't be the winner of any of the contest prizes 'cuz my Valentine dood is Skeezy's brofur Rocky the Gutter Cat, I thought that I'd show off the wonderful Valentine that "Rockaroonie" sent to me today ... on the back is a furry romantic poem written especially for me an' the Valentine came with some primo 'nip, too.

So ... while my smoochie sweetie Jake waits for me at the Bridge, I'll be snugglin' with Rocky on a cozy placemat ... an' bein' extra spicy!  Mom told me that it was okay an' that I wasn't bein' the least bit sleazy for flirting.  There was somethin' 'bout "gather thee rosebuds while ye may" ... or somethin' like that.

DaisyMae Maus


  1. Rockaroonie has some good romantic skillz! You look lovely DMM.

  2. DMM, yoo've made me a vary happy mancat. I got up frum my placemat just long enuf to tell yoo I've alwayz had a thing fur yoo, and I'm happy we can finely be together, with no disrespekt to Jake, hoo was a grate mancat. I'm just sorry I didn't snap yoo up sooner.

    Rocky the Placemat Cat
