Saturday, February 7, 2009

To The One Who Matters Most

Look! Fire!

Oh, your blue eyes I adore,
Most beauteous ever seen
Oh wait a minute, my mistake
My bad...I see they're green.

Temptations I will give you
In flavors tasty and unique
Come closer to my mighty paw
That I might touch your cheek.

I can't deny this truth I know
'Tis clear, in the mirror I do see
My one great love, TeH Awesomeness
My heart...belongs to me.

The Psychokitty Speaks Out


  1. Max, you're so funny! It sounds like true love.

  2. Max, that was a great poem!

    Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

  3. Max, you are truly unique! Who else would think to write a love poem ta himself... MOL!
